Monday, July 18, 2011

Music Mondays

During the summer in Millennium Park at the Pritzker Pavilion there are free concerts every Monday night. Tonight was My Gold Mask & Blonde Redhead. It was so hot when the first band played but after a while the sun went down and it stared to cool off. Then a breeze came and you can just see the sea of people mellowing out. It was the most perfect, beautiful summer night. It was warm, I was surrounded by wonderful people, the music was good and loud, and there was plenty of delicious things to eat! It is just one of those moments where you close your eyes and you are instantly thankful and grateful for all that you have in your life. And you just want to bottle that feeling of peace and happiness for when you are having an awful day. My mom would always tell me that if I was having a bad day to just make a list of things that make me happy. It really works too. Soon you stop dwelling on the bad things and start realizing what good you have in your life. I will think back to today.

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