Tuesday, August 30, 2011

harry potter 4eva

The epic adventures of the Harry Potter movies and books may be over but they will live on in our hearts forever. I realize this post may be a little late but these things are funny all the time and I will never tire of them.

Monday, August 29, 2011

i'm listening

I saw two quotes today that are kind of sort of similar. I took it as an omen of sorts.

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

"To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are."

Being sleep deprived with a huge headache apparently makes you philosophical and gives you the false sense that you are cool.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


This Spotify is cool. Instead of finding new music I keep looking up artists that I listened to in High School or when I was little. I did that most of my Saturday night and studied cables for work. Who's the coolest lady ever? That would be me bitches. How great is this picture? Everytime my mind has a spare moment it brings this image up and it makes me giggle. I make sound effects in my head as well. I'm not crazy, I swear.

Friday, August 26, 2011

long days and longer nights

Today was a good day. This picture just made it better.

And those skates are awful! They make you fall more than anything.

Friday, August 19, 2011

jennifer squires

I love her eye for color. Her photographs are so soft and tranquil.

To to her WEBSITE!

on repeat

I'm not sure why I love this song but it do. There isn't a lot of substance to the song, it just repeats the same thing over and over.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

kaput, good word.

The Heads of State. Some things you need to know:

- "Mom & Pop design shop" based in Philadelphia.
- Their designs are simple but rich with texture.
- Jason Kernevich and Dustin Summers both have amazing beards.

Check 'em out! WEBSITE

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

damn daleks

New favorite TV show is...DOCTOR WHO!! Netflix always teases me though. It gives most of the seasons and then when you are really hooked then, poof! No more seasons! I need season six! Just like I need season three of Dexter, yeah I didn't forget about that one Netflix! CURSE YOU TINY TOILET!

He has the most interesting nose and no eyebrows. Hm.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

when good days are good, they are good

Today was another great day at Apple. I am still training and haven't interacted with the customers yet so I may be singing a different tune later. I am one of those people that sabotage themselves; I get nervous about messing up so I do. Hopefully, that will not be the case.

So I had a great day and I come home and check my tiny mailbox and what do I find inside? An awesome postcard! No joke, made my day. Sad? Probably. After twenty two years I shouldn't get so excited about receiving mail, but I do. You have got to enjoy the little things in life, right? Not only did I get mail but it was from a really cool lady who I once lived with who now lives an awesome adult life out in Texas. Girl has a pool in her building, she is living the dream! I am just very lucky to have meet so many wonderful people and continue to meet such great individuals. It was one of those days where everything went well and the world was right. Why can't some of that good be saved for bad days?

missing miss amanda

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

welcome to the land of Ook

I can't remember if I mentioned this but I got the Apple job! Part time specialist, so come on down to the Lincoln Park Apple store to see me or some awesome Apple products. The people who work there seem to be really cool and friendly which is awesome. I hate being the newbie and hopefully I will get a grasp of everything quickly so I can feel confident when I am on the floor.

The phrase, "Think before you speak," keeps replaying in my mind. I had a conversation with an individual today and something rude was said not towards me but towards someone I know and I was extremely bothered that they could be so callous. "If you can't say anything nice to say don't say it all," also keeps rolling around in my mind. Moral of the story: Don't be a shit head.


I've been feeling like I am going to be the crazy cat lady lately...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

too cool

Love! I want the hair, the boots, the leather jacket! It was the right amount of mussy, edgy, and chic. Drew Barrymore directed the video; as if I didn't already love her. Good job girl! Side note, that guy is a little too old for her.

Also, how great is it to see Donald Glover as a Day Trotter? It is fucking amazing.

just thinking

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

what a cute catpuppyhorsebirdcowhamsterstuffedarmadillo

It's official! I am a part-time specialist at Apple. Woo hooo!! It feels good knowing that I am going to be busy again...the money is good too.

I have been on an animal kick lately. The more absurd and funny, the better.