Wednesday, July 6, 2011

it felt like three days in one!

1) This morning I had an interview with Apple. Yeah! It was fun interviewing process, but I soon realized that I did not know as much about Apple and its products as I thought I did.

2) Then after I got some stuff done at the new apartment I walked over to a sports resale shop to look at some bikes. I have toyed with the idea of getting a bike before but was always afraid of getting hit by a bus or getting doored. But it would be so much easier for me if I could just have a bike that would help me where I needed to go. When I walked into Play It Again Sports I had every intention of just looking around and leaving. I have never really ridden a bike before other than the country roads back home. When you are riding around on gravel roads you don't have to worry about a bus driver trying to make you flat as pancake. The people at PIAS where super nice! They answered all my stupid questions and made me feel like I could actually ride a bike in Chicago. So when they asked me if I wanted to do a test drive I thought, "What have I got to loose?" I was terrible on the thing but I bought it anyways. I love my bike! I still need to figure out some of the roads but I get braver every time I ride. I told my roommate that the excite I feel for my bike is what people must feel like when they get their first car.

3) I yet again stayed on the Purple Line at the Belmont stop, which means you have to then ride all the way to Howard with no stops in between. The first time I did this I got extremely claustrophobic just thinking about how there was no way for me to get off the train. I couldn't believe I did it again, but we got some mint chocolate chip later and life can't be bad when you're eating ice cream.

So please keep your fingers crossed for me with Apple! I have been listening to Slow Runner on repeat for a month plus. Here is my current favorite: Trying to Put Your Heart Back Together. Enjoy.

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