Thursday, July 21, 2011

old notes

I was going through an old notebook because I needed to takes some notes and I stumbled upon something funny. In the top bar of my college ruled notebook I had scribbled, "Things in my life that are important to me: food, packaging, design, clothes, phone, iPod." The best part was I had seen it some time later and decided to write myself another note, "These thing in my life don't love me back." What a poetic and douchey thing for me to say. I like how food was my number one. The first thing I thought in terms of importance in my life was food. Not family or friends, but tacos and waffles instead. I had a dream the other night about waffles covered in strawberries. Not that nasty strawberry jelly with strawberry chunks in it but straight up fresh cut strawberries. I told my roommate about my awesome dream and she proceeded to tell me her awesome dream which involved her veil shopping. In that moment I realized that our priorities are totally different.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Music Mondays

During the summer in Millennium Park at the Pritzker Pavilion there are free concerts every Monday night. Tonight was My Gold Mask & Blonde Redhead. It was so hot when the first band played but after a while the sun went down and it stared to cool off. Then a breeze came and you can just see the sea of people mellowing out. It was the most perfect, beautiful summer night. It was warm, I was surrounded by wonderful people, the music was good and loud, and there was plenty of delicious things to eat! It is just one of those moments where you close your eyes and you are instantly thankful and grateful for all that you have in your life. And you just want to bottle that feeling of peace and happiness for when you are having an awful day. My mom would always tell me that if I was having a bad day to just make a list of things that make me happy. It really works too. Soon you stop dwelling on the bad things and start realizing what good you have in your life. I will think back to today.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

funny texts

I have always heard of texts from last night but never cared enough to check it out, but that has all changed. I went to the site after clicking the link off of someone's Facebook page. My goodness was I fascinated! People can be so silly.

So here is a text I received today with a picture of my nephew. I'm sorry if you don't find this funny. I'm also sorry because that means you have no soul.

TEXT: Giant snake invades Rensselaer. Boy narrowly escapes death!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hufflepuffs are especially good finders

Today I had to pick up my little cousin from camp all the way up in Evanston. Although it was a long and tedious train ride/wait I found many things along the way that peeked my interest.

Before I picked up my cousin I picked up my screens and prints from Harold Washington. It was great being able to go back to a place that I unexpectedly loved. It was also incredibly sad knowing that that was probably the last time I was going to step foot in the print lab again. I just thought of all the amazing things I learned. For years I had wanted to learn how to screenprint and I finally did it! Not only am I going to miss having a place to print but also the kind and talented people. I always said that the people from Harold Washington were always so friendly and talkative compared to the Columbia kids. And such GREAT teachers! They were so passionate about printing and were always willing to give advice/help with any project your brain came up with! I have been looking into printing at Screwball Press, but I don't think it will be the same. Each week I would have time strictly and neatly chiseled out of my schedule to print. I don't think I will ever have that again, which will only make me cherish my time at HWC even more. Dear god, I am too sentimental about this. Any who, here are my prints! Please excuse the poor quality pictures I do not have a scanner.